Monday, June 7, 2010

True Blood Season 3 Countdown

This post extended off of Brandi-girl's "Loving:: Vampires" post. I love True Blood and everything Vampire. I'm a nut. I've been drawn into the Sookie Stackhouse books. You can see what I've read so far over in the right column on my Shelfari list. I just finished "All Together Dead". To my dismay, my husband packed my books *sigh* and they aren't here. So, I've decided to continue my lust, I would make a daily post as a countdown until June 13th, the first of Season 3 on HBO. So.. on to the show..

My "True Blood" - inspired etsy finds...

"Once Bitten Earrings" by foamywader

"True Blood- Upcycled Tusk and Bullet Assemblage Earrings" by DanielleRoseBean

"Red and Black Button Necklace" by SmallButtonBigHeart

"O Positive/Blood Tag Necklace" by JustDuckieDesigns

"Sookie Stackhouse Necklace" by iCharm

"Vampire Love Handmade Card" by monkeyminddesign09

"True Blood Garnet Gemstone Cufflinks" by idlehandsdesigns

"Hidey Hole Bite Me Necklace" by matsudabunch

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