Thursday, June 17, 2010
I don't really have much to blog about unless you want to hear all about our moving woes so I just wanted to check-in and say I'm really not doing much besides resting my back since the move. We are staying with the in-laws until we find a place down here. So far, that first place I blogged about is still in the running. We fell in love with another only to find out when we met the realtor he was totally shady; told me one thing on the phone and then something completely different when we went to sign the lease. It's a shame, it was gorgeous and the community was awesome. That first place in Ft. Denaud, though, is just.... peaceful.... huge.... relaxing... and kid and family friendly. And huge is for a lack of a better word. Every time we turned a corner there was more house. Anyways, life is just on hold at the moment. Watched True-Blood, LOVED it. Doing some reading and catering to my back. Found an awesome job, with a great interview, just waiting to hear back. And thats that. I'll keep ya updated.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
True Blood Countdown: 5 more days
Continuing on with my True Blood and Vampire inspiration countdown, here are my vampire-inspired finds on etsy. Five more days until season 3 of True Blood begins on HBO. Hooray!
lampwork jewelry,
sookie stackhouse,
true blood,
Monday, June 7, 2010
True Blood Season 3 Countdown
This post extended off of Brandi-girl's "Loving:: Vampires" post. I love True Blood and everything Vampire. I'm a nut. I've been drawn into the Sookie Stackhouse books. You can see what I've read so far over in the right column on my Shelfari list. I just finished "All Together Dead". To my dismay, my husband packed my books *sigh* and they aren't here. So, I've decided to continue my lust, I would make a daily post as a countdown until June 13th, the first of Season 3 on HBO. So.. on to the show..
My "True Blood" - inspired etsy finds...
My "True Blood" - inspired etsy finds...
Friday, June 4, 2010
New House to Consider
We have been considering a house that is further out in Ft. Myers towards Labelle area for a couple of reasons: a lot of land the boys can go outside and play in, it's on the Caloosahatchee River, it's serene, I can have a garden, it's 5 minutes to my in-laws, its huge, it has a pool & spa and we can grow into it. It's either for rent or rent-to-own so we haven't seen what they actually want for it but our realtor says he's sure its in our range and we trust him since he's a friend of the family. This house has some old charm to it since its brick. We are told it's completely remodeled on the inside. My husband goes to see it on Monday. I wish I could be there but if its not all that great, its a waste of gas for me to drive all that way, and he's already going to be down there for work. We really want something we can put roots down in and not worry about moving but also want something we don't have to do any work to right off the bat. Of course, it has to have an extra room for my bead studio. Here are the picture from the property appraisers website:
In the meantime, I've been home with Matthew doing a lot of cuddling. He's had a fever of 101.9 the past 3 days and up at 3 am. He has 3 big teeth coming in. Poor guy. Can't wait for Daddy to be back tonight. We miss him. And we'll be packing this weekend and hopefully moving next weekend. Have a great day! I'm off to do some blog hopping :D

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A lot on my mind recently
Well, some of you know that I've been dealing with a lot with my back being messed up. Those of you who don't, I was pushed by a patient at work (who WAS in her right mind and did it on purpose). I hurt my back really bad and have had steroid injections, physical and massage therapy and have been pretty much flat on my back on lots of pain meds (i HATE taking pills for ANYTHING). I did start back to work light duty recently and has just made me feel miserable day in and day out. I've been doing my best to stay positive and laugh as often as I can. Its really frustrating not being able to do the things you enjoy everyday or not being able to make plans because I'm not sure I'll be better by then, etc etc. This has been giving me lots of time to think, think, think. Not to mention, I'm going through my Sookie Stackhouse novels pretty darn fast. I'm finishing up my Bachelors this semester to go on to my Masters in Anesthesia. I've been thinking about this and thinking about my true love, art. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've loved my job as a nurse but this whole back thing has put a bad taste for nursing in my mouth. All the helping people, day in and day out and no appreciation. Sometimes, I think its just not worth it. That's why I want my Masters in Anesthesia. I don't really have to deal with patients that are just rude and unappreciative. I'll be respected, have status, and get paid well. My dilemma lies in all the work to get accepted and stress related to it and wanting to just do what I absolutely love instead but not get all the perks of being a CRNA. I mean, 28 months of full time school, little time for family, stress about finances, etc. The pay off in the end is so worth it, I'm told. I haven't met one CRNA that hasn't loved their job. With my back injury, its making me just want to relax and destress and do what I enjoy. I do go through this a lot. The back and forth and weighing whats for the best. I can't help it. I'm constantly re-evaluating the situation. I'm just so close to the application process and doing all the final things to get ready. Even though I interviewed, I decided I want to wait until at least January to start to save money and enjoy the 2 paychecks for awhile. I have so many artistic endeavors I want to do to help me de-stress. I think I need a pampering too, manicures, pedicures, massages, facials, etc, to help me get in the mode. Maybe after the move and a little bit of spa treatment, I'll be recharged and ready to head it on and I won't be worrying so much. Yea, I'm glad I decided to write this post. That's what I'm gonna do. Get RECHARGED!
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