Insert sad face here. I haven't blogged in awhile due to pregnancy and now newborn. Insert smiley face here. Things are just busy with the 5 boys, breastfeeding, playing taxi, and now back to work. It was a hard decision but its only temporary; approximately 3 years temporary. I start back to finish my bachelors degree in nursing on Monday and then hopefully get into the Masters program for nurse anesthesia following that. I figure I can convert my bead room into a playroom for my 2 year old and baby as he gets bigger and pack away the torch until I can afford all the cool tools I want for jewelry making. I really want to do shows but I just don't have the finances to do it right. I plan to keep my blog going and maybe blog about different bead makers and jewelry makers as well as follow my favorites and stay in the community and help when I can. I've recently found some bead and jewelry makers I didn't know of before during Lori's blog hop. Maybe I can put up a "Friday Feature" each week. We'll see how time plays out. I'll keep my clearance beads in Etsy until they are gone. Chat with ya later!
Karen Beth
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